Group Past Life Regression

Past Life Exploration is a sacred and transformative journey aimed at fostering profound healing within your being.

Within this collective gathering, participants will be gently guided into a sanctuary of profound healing within your being.

In this elevated state of awareness, you will embark on an odyssey through your soul’s tapestry, delving into past lives and the etheral dimensions, all aimed at aligning with your highest good in the present moment.

This empowering group session can give you insight into why you:

🗝 Might be feeling blocked

🗝 Have unexplained fears and phobias

🗝. Repeat pattern in your life

🗝. Meet people you feel like you’ve known forever

🗝 Are drawn to certain periods of time, countries, cultures etc.

This navigated experience can also help you:

🗝 Discover patterns and clues to help navigate

🗝 Release patterns that are no longer serving you

Facilitator: Sandy Power, a Hypnotherapist with Advanced certifications from the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association and the International Association of Counselors and Therapists.

Investment: $44.00 per person

Next Workshop: TBA

I am open to requests for class scheduling.

We can arrange private one-on-one sessions, or once a specific date is confirmed, I will make that date available to the public.

Classes can be scheduled for both weekdays and weekends!

To achieve optimal results and ensure an exceptional experience, please consider the following:

Reflect on your intentions regarding what you hope to achieve from the session

Wear comfortable clothes that does not pinch or bind.

Consider having a light mean or snack before the session.

Additionally, please avoid consuming alcohol, coffee. nicotine, or other stimulants prior to the scheduled session.

We invite you to participate in this exploratory event!